Banking & Finance
Every now and then, most businesses need an injection of capital. Often this entails some debt financing through various sources including banks, third party contacts and relatives. But debt relationships are inevitably complex because the interests of the borrower and lender differ.
Our team brings together expertise from acting for both lender & borrower clients involved in a wide range of transactions.
We act for banks in relation to loans in respect of a wide variety of commercial properties in the region and in connection with their granting of facilities to existing and new customers for the purpose of acquisition of investment property and development of existing and newly developed sites.

We assist clients in connection with the re-financing of their portfolios of properties with the clearing banks and other financial institutions.
We also assist lending institutions to look after their security arrangements both on substantial and more standard transactions.
The team also advises lenders and borrowers on corporate acquisition finance, growth funding and restructurings and insolvency matters.